Jessica Kim
Whalien 52
with lines by BTS
It’s strange how the beach in winter
makes her even lonelier. The girl treds
into water in search of a mouth,
lips blubbered with petroleum. In a dream,
mother said the ocean was blue but
pools murky water between her breasts
and drowns. Let the girl confess,
how she has never told this to anybody.
She wonders what loneliness does
to her voice, mutated into a hunger for
absence. She wails into the curvature
of her backbone, sculpted with abandoned
girlhood. On the other side of the earth,
even the blind whales can see her. A lone whale
upturned and alienated in the middle
of the ocean. How loneliness turns into
something you can see. A whalesong,
in rotation but without a response,
a signal that does not reach her.

Jessica Kim is a disabled poet from California. A two-time 2021 Pushcart nominee, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Wildness, Diode, Cosmonauts Avenue, Jet Fuel, Longleaf, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, and more. She is the founding editor of The Lumiere Review. Find more of her at www.jessicakimwrites.weebly.com and @jessiicable on twitter.