Laurinda Lind
This Same Universe
We have the words for stars
as if they are neighborhoods
nice enough to need names,
brains dusty in the dark.
The whole loose house
will want new wood: when
is a good day to go high,
how unsteady, the heart
in the long wind where
I am a bag of breath.
The lake bleaches black
once the clock quits. There’s
this light that’s not alive,
then it’s light again.

Laurinda Lind lives in New York’s North Country. Some publications/ acceptances have been in Midwest Quarterly, New American Writing, Paterson Literary Review, Radius, and Spillway; also anthologies Visiting Bob: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Bob Dylan (New Rivers Press) and AFTERMATH: Explorations of Loss and Grief (Radix Media). She is the winner of the 2018 Keats-Shelley Prize for adult poetry.